THALIAS :Phnom Penh & Exposition : « Letextile qui respire » par Sao Sreymao (2023/03)
Cambodianess : “Women Artists Present a Video to Inspire Women Artists Present a Video to Inspire
Young Women to Dare Be the Best They Young Women to Dare Be the Best They Are” (2023)
KiriPost:Cambodian artist Sreymao Sao uses her art as a voice to raise social and environmental issues (2023)
within society – but it hasn’t always been that way (2023)
KiriPost: tiSamjort”Space to Spark Creativity in the Cambodian Capital. (2023)
The PhnomPenhPost : ‘Pray for Prey’ promotes harmony with nature (2023)
HALIAS : Culture & Tourisme : Treeline Urban Resort,dynamiser l’art contemporain cambodgien (2022)
Royal Hollo way University : “Fast fashion intensifies climate change impact on Cambodian workers” 22nd April (2022)
Cambodgemag : Conférence & Performance La langue de ma mère par Jean-Baptiste Phou et SAO Sreymao 15th march ( 2022)
MadeInChinaJounal :Under the Water: “Cambodian Artist Sreymao Sao on the Lived Experience of Hydropower Dams” Dec 2021
Annie Jael Kwan : Conditions for Performance in Cambodia:Interview with Dana Langlois (2018)
Informit : Under the water: Cambodian artist Sreymao Sao on
the lived experience of hydropower dams
HEINRICH BÖLL STIFTUNG:The Green Political Foundation :“Quiet” Civic Engagement in Contemporary Visual Art from Cambodia( 10-2021)
The Phnom Penh Post:” Sketches and waxwork depict the plights of lost communities “(2019)
Sovereign Asian Ar : 30 mid-career artists shortlisted as finalists for The 2021 Sovereign Asian Art Prize – the 17th edition of Asia’s most prestigious prize for contemporary artists.
PAC (Plataforma De Arte Contemporaneo) :”Sao Sreymao en The Nomad Creative Project” (2019)
Wapathoa” Under the Water” :by Sao Sreymao (2018)
Sylt Foundation : violence memory- depicting trauma and transformation in the visual arts.
Treeline Urban Resort : dynamiser l’art contemporain cambodgien
FESTIVAL OPENING : Art exhibition “ Across the Waters ” by Gsu Chia-Wei, Sao Sreymao and Savanhdary Vongpoothorn /18th march/2019
Embassy of Sweden : in Phnom Penh Facebook page
WhatsonPhnomPenh : “DAYDREAMS OF A DISCONNECTED CITY“A new exhibition creates a surreal version of Phnom Penh (2018 )
AsialifeMaz : “Inspiring art” (2017)